The Avalon Community

Welcome to the Avalon community!

Avalon, like all other projects at Apache, is a meritocracy and follows the Apache Way of community and project management. The following documents help define these terms and form the guidelines by which Avalon operates.

Opening up Avalon's Repositories

Avalon continually looks at ways to cooperate better with other projects, especially here at Apache. Recently, the Avalon team decided to open up the "avalon-excalibur" repository to the Apache Cocoon community. The response has been favorable as the libraries there now have a wider group of supporting developers. As a result, the Avalon team decided to take this process one step further and open up the "avalon-components" repository to both the Apache Cocoon and Apache JAMES projects.

If you are from another Apache project, and would like all the committers from your project to have access to the Avalon Repositories, all you need to do is ask the Avalon PMC ( The repositories that are available for wider access are:

  • avalon-components
  • avalon-excalibur
  • avalon-sandbox

The PMC will let you know if your request is accepted or not. If you are interested in commit privileges, but are not part of one of the Apache projects, then you have to do it the old fashioned way and participate on the mailing lists and post patches, etc. We are taking advantage of the Apache infrastructure to make this happen.